June 2021 Cubs Testing

We are so proud of all of our Tiger-Rock Alabaster Cubs! Each of these Cubs showed off their physical, mental, and martial arts skills. From our newest members to our Cubs who are graduating and moving up to Juniors, these martial artists make us so proud!

We are proud to announce a very special congratulations to Tiger Cub Thomas Mize. Thomas becomes Tiger-Rock Alabaster's newest Cub Black Belt! He has earned every Tiger Cub Belt with incredible work and amazing development. Congratulations Thomas, we couldn't be more proud and can't wait to see what you will do next!

thomas belt
thomas kick
Click Above to Watch Thomas Rock Our Obstacle Course!

dean kick 2
ezra 1 kick

ezra 2 kick 1
ledger kick

leo kick

mason kick
olivia kick

riley kick 2
thomas block

olivia jump

ezra 2 kick 2
mason jump

riley kick
thomas jump

leo kick 2
ledger jump

ezra 1 jump kick

Finally, a special congratulations to our Cub Graduate Dean! He rocked his testing and is ready to step up into our Junior Class.

dean kick 1
dean block

Tiger-Rock Martial Arts Alabaster ~ 136 Market Center Drive, Alabaster AL 35007 ~ 205-624-4418